Welcome to the Chen Lab at McGill University! Our lab focuses on understanding and exploiting the interactions of biomaterials and biological systems for therapeutic applications, with the ultimate goal towards precision medicine. Two areas of particular interest are biomaterials-mediated immunoengineering and genome editing. We are a highly translation-driven research team, synergizing multidisciplinary principles of Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering. Our research targets both fundamental understanding of interactions between materials and biology, and therapeutics for biomedical applications.
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We are recruiting graduate students and postdocs to work on drug/gene delivery. Check here for more information !
Our lab received a second CIHR Project Grant!!! We will work with Dr. Ian Watson on new nano-immunotherapeutics for cancer metastasis.
Dr. Chen was awarded with Canada Research Chair (II) in Biomaterials and Biomacromolecule Delivery!
Our lab received a 5-year Project Grant from CIHR!!! We will work with Dr. Morag Park and Dr. Peter Siegel at McGill and Dr. Réjean Lapointe at CHUM on cold plasma-mediated cancer immunotherapy.
Our recent collaborative work on cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) for postsurgical cancer treatment is published in Science Advances (online image featured)! Read more!
Our lab receives infrastructural support from Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) - John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF). Read more!
Our lab receives the CCS – Challenge Grant to study new cold plasma devices for cancer treatment!
Our lab receives bridge funding from the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) – Priority Announcement: Fall 2021 Breast Cancer!
Our lab receives NSERC Discovery Grant and NSERC Discovery Launch Supplement for Early Career Researchers!!!
Our collaborative work on reviewing stimuli-responsive microneedle patch for biomedical applications has been accepted for publication in Matter!
Our collaborative work on reviewing stimuli-responsive microneedle-array patch systems has been accepted by Materials Today (cover feature)!
There are multiple OPENING positions in our laboratory. Click here for more information!
The Chen Lab has officially opened in the Department of Biomedical Engineering and the Rosalind & Morris Goodman Cancer Institute at McGill University!